National Center for Missing and Exploited Children or Internet Watch Foundation for help.
If you are outside the UK, visit this page to find resources for the country you are in. Thank you for your interest in this tool. You do not qualify based on the information you provided. If you know the person in the image(s)/video(s), consider asking them to directly use this service. If any of their image(s)/video(s) have already been shared online, the fastest way to get help may be reporting directly on the platform. To learn how to report on different platforms, visit our reporting guide here. For more information see the FAQ or Resources and Support. Thank you for your interest in this tool. You do not qualify based on the information you provided. For more information see the FAQ or Resources and Support. If any of their image(s)/video(s) have already been shared online, the fastest way to get help may be reporting directly on the platform. To learn how to report on different platforms, visit our reporting guide here. Select the image(s)/video(s) on your device that you would like to protect. Remember, your image(s)/video(s) do not leave your device, they will only be scanned so a unique "hash," or digital fingerprint, can be generated. Once generated the "hash" will be shared with the participating companies. Please make sure you are selecting the correct image(s)/video(s) from your gallery and check the file name below to ensure you are hashing the correct image(s)/video(s). You can select up to 20 photos/videos per case. You can upload a maximum of 20 photos/videos per request. Please submit multiple cases, if required. One or more images cannot be accepted as they are unsupported, the quality is too low, or they are duplicates Please create a Personal Identification Number (PIN) to use to check your case status. Your PIN cannot be reset if lost or forgotten, it is not shared with or participating companies. Your PIN must be at least 6-10 characters long. You will be given a case number once you finish creating your case. Do not lose your case number or your PIN, you will not be able to look up your case by any other means. We can send you an email with your case number if you would like. To protect your privacy, your email address will not be stored on our servers or shared with anyone (including participating companies). Please review your case before you submit it. Please also write down or copy your PIN. I am the person in the image(s)/video(s) I've selected I was over 18 when the image(s)/video(s) were taken If you enter an email address, your case number will be emailed to you. If you did not wish to provide your email, please be ready to write down or copy your case number that will appear on the next screen. Please also write down your PIN. If everything looks correct, and you consent to the processing and sharing of your hash(es), click "Submit". xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Copy to clipboard If a match is found then participating platforms will take appropriate action if the content is found to violate their community standards/ terms of service. Please follow this link to see the community standards for each platform. You can have updates on your case by checking your case status. You can do so using your case number and PIN. You can check your case status from here. You will need the case number and pin to do this.Create Your Case
Create Your Case
Create Your Case
Create Your Case
Create Your Case
Create Your Case
Create Your Case
Create Your Case
Create Your Case
Create Your Case
Keeping track of your case
Review Your Case
Case Created Successfully
Your case number is:
Here are your next steps:
Resources and Support
What happens next?
How do I access my case?
I need to speak to someone about what’s happened and how I am feeling, how can I get support?